Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cave Creek Eddie Gig

My friend Eddie Elliott had a gig at a yoga studio in Cave Creek. There were those that had their doubts about the venue. The up side was that we could bring our own beverages. My friends Brooks and Angela made the trip with me. On our way we stopped at Safeway and bought a few bottles of wine and some really cool plastic wine glasses. They had a stem on them and everything. The drive was nice and when we got there we took our seats (folding chairs on loan from Cave Creek Coffee Company) then began to enjoy our wine. When more people started to file in there were a few familiar faces like Eddie's mom Sheila and her friend Anita but mostly there were strangers. It turned out to be quite crowded but what a cool crowd. People brought chocolates and cookies and were sharing them with everyone. The thing that struck me most was the genuine feeling of love in the room. Eddie played one of the best shows I've ever seen. He said it was the great vibe in the room that helped. Eddie and I had talked about playing a Neil Young song together but we didn't have much time to run through it so I told him we'd try it some other time. As the evening was coming to an end Eddie said he'd like his good buddy Jim to come up and play a song with him. How could I say no? We played Harvest Moon as if we'd played it a million times and then Eddie ended the set with his song 404. 404 is an acappella song but I followed his led and we kept time by tapping our guitars. Later that night Eddie told me he had planned on ending with Harvest Moon but it just felt right to go into 404. It was a truly inspirational night. I could use more times like that. Couldn't everyone? I hope Judah, the owner of the yoga studio, decides to host another night of wine and song.

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